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Compliance, Communication and Customer Service Training
Introduction to the course series
Course series introduction
Skills inventory pre-courses
Communication Skills
First Course - Communication Skills
Communication skills questions
Exercise #1 - Draw with me (2:21)
Compare your drawing to this picture
Drawing exercise with visuals (2:28)
Effective or Efficient communication
Effective communication
Personalities types communicate differently
Communication Styles
Exercise #2 - Adapting to communication styles quiz
Understand, Identify, Adapt
Influence communication success - formal conversations
Setting Goals
Achieve the Goals
Interactions during communication
Emotional Intelligence Assessment
Relationship management and communication
Exercise #3 - Communication when emotions are high (2:35)
Communication - emotional response solutions (3:39)
Summary of Course
Conflict Resolution
Second Course - Conflict Resolution
Definition of conflict
How we see things video (3:47)
Emotional Intelligence Personal and Social Competence
Personal Competence and Control
Exercise #1 Concern or Control
Self-awareness Communication styles during conflict
Communication styles and self-management
Exercise #2 - Personality Identification
Personality Assessment
Personalities summarized
Approaches to conflict
Exercise #3 -Changing attitude from reactive to proactive - choices assessment
Maintaining relationships
Exercise #4 - Bank account scenarios
Relationship management and bank account summarized
Summary of Conflict Resolution
Diversity and Inclusion
Third Course - Diversity and Inclusion
Define diversity in the workplace
Making people diverse
Exercise 1
Diversity Introduction Video (3:29)
Diversity in organizations
Exercise #2
Not good, better, best
Exercise #3
Diversity vs. Diversity and Inclusion
Inclusion video (3:27)
Summary of Diversity and Inclusion
PowerPoint Presentation from Live Session
Unconscious Bias
Fourth Course - Unconscious Bias
Biases video (3:29)
Feelings of exclusion
Exercise #1
What is unconscious bias? (3:09)
Bias types and our tendencies (3:18)
Introduction to unconscious bias
Stereotypes, Prejudices and Discrimination
Exercise #2
Overcome Blindspots and Bias (3:18)
Sexual Harassment Prevention
Fifth Course - Sexual Harassment Prevention
What is sexual harassment?
Definition of sexual harassment (4:06)
EEOC statistics
Recent costs to employers examples
Knowledge check
Types of sexual harassment claims (2:30)
Sexual harassment identification exercise
Sexual harassment vs. non-sexual harassment actions (3:01)
Steps to prevent sexual harassment (5:35)
Sexual Harassment - Incident Steps for Employees (5:37)
Post quiz for sexual harassment prevention course
Customer Service
Sixth Course - Customer Service
Your customer service viewpoints
Poor, Good, Exceptional Customer Service Assessment
Define exceptional customer service
Building Trust
Understanding customer service personality types.
Exercise #2 - Saying no
Meeting the customer's expectations
The Golden Rule
Handling customer complaints
Understanding your organization's culture
What will you do?
Listening skills
Seventh Course - Listening Skills
Important listening principle
Listening skills
Exercise #1 What is your choice?
Submit your response to the story
Group follow-up exercises and downloads for course
Follow-up exercise image
Personality Assessment Download
Personality Assessment Online
Emotional Intelligence Information
Teach online with
Diversity in organizations
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