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Unconscious Bias and Sexual Harassment Prevention Training
Introduction to the course series
Course series introduction
Unconscious bias awareness
First course - Unconscious bias
Implicit bias (unconscious bias) definition
Conscious vs Unconscious thinking (1:07)
Move from unconscious to conscious to problem solve (0:31)
Moving from unconscious to conscious thinking to problem solve #2
Answers and summary to problems #1 and #2
Simplifying bias types
5 categories and descriptions (1:58)
Exercise #1 - Knowledge check
Exercise #2 - Categorize biases
Feelings of exclusion
Are we being bias?
Exercise #3 - In group vs out groups
Associated words results
Associated words discussion
Mitigate 5 categories of biases
Overcome unconscious bias
Inclusion video (3:27)
Sexual Harassment Prevention
Second course- Sexual Harassment and Prevention
Define Sexual Harassment
Exercise #1 Sexual Harassment?
Sexual Harassment Prevention and Perspectives
Which did you see first?
Peeking into how others see things
Sexual Harassment Prevention Training
Exercise #2 Sexual Harassment law?
Types of Sexual Harassment Claims
Exercise #3 Which scenarios are considered sexual harassment?
Harassment Free Workplace
As an employee, what do I need to know?
Exercise #4 Do's and Don'ts
Sexual harassment ordinances for your organization
Workplace scenarios quiz
Exercise #5 Behavior if a sexual harassment incident occurs
Steps to report an incident
Zero tolerance
Post course quiz
Group follow-up exercises courses
Headwinds vs. Tailwinds document
Sexual Harassment Quiz
Teach online with
Move from unconscious to conscious to problem solve
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