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Excel Tips and Timesavers
Introduction to tips and time savers in Excel
Data files
Excel quick reference sheet
Entering and selecting data shortcuts and time savers
Worksheet time savers - Excel auto fill for quick data entry (4:43)
Using ctrl or shift or ctrl A to select data (2:38)
Keyboard shortcuts - Copy contents from neighboring cells (1:05)
Keyboard shortcuts - Enter today's time and date with typing (2:02)
Enter data on a second line in the same cell - keyboard shortcut (2:18)
Microsoft suite shortcuts (universal shortcuts)
Save and Save as (2:37)
Copy, cut, and paste (2:18)
Undo and Redo (1:50)
Spellcheck (1:25)
Navigating in Excel worksheets shortcuts
Move up, down, left and right (3:24)
Go to the beginning and end of data (1:33)
Highlight a range of data shortcuts (2:38)
Highlight a row or column (1:26)
Bonus time saver - just move the data quickly (1:23)
Formulas and charts shortcuts
Keyboard shortcut - sum all your data at once (3:03)
Keyboard shortcut - create an embedded chart (1:37)
Keyboard shortcut - create a chart on a separate worksheet (0:46)
Create a named range (2:24)
Time saver - Save time selecting cells by using named ranges in formulas (2:49)
Keyboard shortcut - using named ranges in formulas (1:45)
Adjust your formulas to keep a cell constant - Keyboard shortcut (4:41)
Formatting shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts - Bold, underline, italicize and more (1:41)
Currency, date, and percentage formats (2:52)
Format cells dialogue box shortcut (2:37)
Worksheet time savers
Copy a worksheet - quickly make a replica of a worksheet (0:55)
Group worksheets - update multiple sheets at once (2:52)
Link cells - save time by linking cells (4:30)
Data manipulation time savers
Text to columns - separate data (4:29)
Concatenate - join data (3:31)
Text functions - change the appearance of data (2:48)
Flash fill - separate or join data or change the appearance of data (7:41)
Keyboard shortcut - Copy filtered data only to a new location (5:33)
Teach online with
Keyboard shortcuts - Enter today's time and date with typing
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